• Cleaning with essential oils

    4 Gründe für einen natürlichen Haushalt
    Why do we clean our homes with essential oils?
    1. Chemicals
    Many cleaning products contain harmful chemicals that affect our respiratory system, our hormonal balance, our immune system and even our emotional well-being. A 2018 study from Norway found that people working in professional cleaning have lung damage comparable to smoking 20 cigarettes a day for 10 to 20 years. (https://www.uib.no/en/news/115228/household-cleaning-can-be-bad-smoking-lung-function)
    Even seemingly harmless ingredients such as “fragrances” can hide hundreds of potentially harmful substances. When we cleanse with essential oils, we know that we need pure nature and that the products contain no additives or harmful ingredients. I use dōTERRA Switzerland essential oils and products and also make many cleaning products myself.
    Another example. Have you heard of triclosan? Triclosan is added to soap formulations as an active ingredient because it can inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi. This antimicrobial property has made it a popular choice in antibacterial soaps, where it is said to reduce the risk of infection and promote good hygiene practices. It was banned in cosmetics in the EU in 2015. However, it is still allowed in body soap, shower gels, deodorant sticks, face powder, make-up, mouthwash and toothpaste.
    1. Save money
    Since I’ve been cleaning with essential oils, I’m definitely saving money on household products. I make my own soaps and need dōTERRAS On Guard cleaning concentrate for a lot of things. As it is highly concentrated, I dilute it depending on the household area. Thanks to the concentration, it also lasts a long time. I only have to buy a new one about every 6 months and one costs me 19 euros. To make your own glass cleaner, you only need 3 products that don’t cost much: distilled water, cleaning vinegar and lemon oil. Super simple. We have lots of recipes for you in our customer area. If you are not yet a customer, click here.
    1. Healthy for children and animals
    We all want a clean home for our own wellbeing and that of our loved ones. However, it is important to be aware that the cleaning products we use can unintentionally harm the very people we are trying to protect. Particles from cleaning sprays can remain in the air long after cleaning, and the residues of these products on surfaces can penetrate our skin barrier, enter our bloodstream and endanger our health. If you have pets, just check which oils are not good for our pets and leave them out of recipes. dōTERRAS On Guard Cleaning Concentrate is safe to use.
    1. Scent experience during cleaning
    I remember our first apartment in the USA. Our bathroom was rather old and I used strong detergents to keep it clean on a weekly basis. Every time after I cleaned it I felt dizzy and had to sit down for a few minutes. This was not meant to be. These days I love to incorporate my favorite scents into recipes. Eucalyptus and lavender are a great blend and it smells like a spa. Cleanse your bathroom with these oils and you can breathe deeply and benefit from the oils. This is a win win situation.
  • metaPWR

    More energy, clarity, feeling younger? Would you like that too? Our body starts to age at 25 because certain substances are no longer produced in the same quantities. Our metabolism also plays a very important and decisive role in this.

  • Facial care

    Beautiful skin requires commitment, no miracle

    Beautiful, young-looking, clean, radiant skin. Yes, please. To have skin that we are proud of, that we love and smile with when we look at ourselves in the mirror, we need to commit to taking care of it. Our skin is our largest organ, and we want to treat it well with great and toxin-free products. Many products contain ingredients that are not entirely safe for our bodies and can have harmful effects. I recommend scanning your beauty products with one of the apps that give you information about the ingredients. I personally use Code Check, Yuka or Think Dirty.
    Another factor is that our skin shows what is going on internally. My skin looks better when I eat well and healthy, put a drop of frankincense under my tongue every day and take my daily LLV. You can read our other blogs on these topics and products.
    Doterra offers three different skin care lines. So you can find a product that suits your skin type.

    1. Essential Skin Care Line

    dōTERRA Essential Skin Care is a family of skincare products specifically tailored to your needs. With this product line, your skin will look and feel young, healthy and beautiful. This is because the products in the line make maximum use of the natural power of essential oils. This essential skincare collection contains 8 products that you can customize to your own needs. From cleansing, clarifying, renewing and moisturizing, it has the product to match. I personally have incorporated one of these products into my HD Clear facial routine.

    2. Verage Skin Care Collection

    Veráge™ skincare collection: Veráge is an exclusive skincare range that nourishes and moisturizes your skin while reducing visible signs of aging. Thanks to effective plant extracts, moisturizers and CPTG essential oils, Veráge gives your skin everything it needs. Daily use of Veráge products creates a smooth, firm and radiant complexion!
    Step 1: Cleanse with the facial cleanser.
    Step 2: Toning with the Verage toner.
    Step 3: Treat with the Immortelle Moisturizing Serum.
    Step 4: Moisturize with the Verage moisturizer

    3. HD Clear System

    Skin problems affect all age groups, although they often occur in teenagers. HD Clear offers a natural solution for problem skin of all ages. It is an advanced natural product range that combines the power of essential oils and plant extracts to achieve the result you want and expect: clear, smooth skin. HD Clear is a three-step, synergistic system: the individual products build on each other, thoroughly cleansing the skin and ensuring optimal moisture levels.
  • Healing Hands

    From the beginning, the founders of doTERRA® had a vision to “bring healing and hope to the world by equipping global communities with the tools they need to become self-reliant – empowering individuals and transforming lives”.

  • Co-Impact Sourcing

    dōTERRA’s collaboration with farmers, harvest workers and distilleries has been a huge priority from the very beginning. This not only ensures quality, but also fair and prompt remuneration, as well as multi-layered sustainability.