More energy More energy, clarity, feeling younger feel? Our body starts to age at 25. This brings various things with it. Our metabolism also plays an important role in ageing. Let’s take a look at why.
What is our metabolism? Put simply, it’s the processes your body uses to convert what you eat and drink into energy.
A healthy metabolism means that your body can digest and absorb the nutrients from food while maintaining healthy, stable blood sugar, blood lipid and insulin levels. Fluctuations in these levels are natural, but it is important to avoid large fluctuations as they can have an unfavorable effect on long-term health.
Would you be surprised to know that only 20% of adults in Europe have a healthy metabolism? Our metabolism has the functions of keeping the organism running, building up body substance and supplying the organism with energy.
Our body starts to age from the age of 25. We no longer recover as quickly, our weight increases, we have certain aches and pains, our eyes deteriorate, gray hair, less restful sleep, etc. Do you recognize these symptoms? We can support our body. Many studies have been carried out on these problems in recent years. Collagen and NAD+ are factors that decrease after the age of 25 and have an influence on ageing.
Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body. There are 28 types of collagen in our body and it is an important component of the connective tissue that makes up tendons, ligaments, skin, muscles and much more. Collagen gives the skin its elasticity and firmness and ensures lean muscles and connective tissue. Connective tissue gives your body structure and strength. The ligaments in your knee, for example, are made of collagen. They allow your knee to bend, flex and absorb shocks.
NAD+ is responsible for two types of reactions in the body:
  1. The metabolic function in which food and nutrients are converted into cellular energy.
  2. The cellular integrity that protects your cellular energy supply systems.
The NAD+ level decreases steadily with increasing age. This has a significant impact on metabolic function and the negative effects on DNA, which can increase as NAD+ levels fall. However, NAD+ is very difficult to ingest. Studies have shown that when we take NMN, it has a direct impact on our NAD+ levels and we naturally increase the levels of NAD+ and NADH in our body.
dōTERRA has now designed a system to help with all these problems.

  1. Oil blend
The MetaPWR oil blend consists of lemon, grapefruit, cinnamon, peppermint and ginger oil. This oil blend can help. 1. keep the stomach healthy 2. the fat digestion is optimal. 3. may help to satisfy cravings for sweets. 4. lift the mood and stimulate the senses.
The oil is available in three variations. As an essential oil in a 15 ml bottle, as a soft gel or as a beadlet (one beadlet contains ¼ drop).
Add the oil to your drink or swallow a softgel or beadlet. Use these products to promote mindful eating and appetite control.
  1. Assist
dōTERRA MetaPWR Assist is a natural dietary supplement to support blood glucose levels within the normal range at mealtimes.
MetaPWR Assist contains mulberry leaf extract, which can help maintain the balance of glucose metabolism in the body. When MetaPWR Assist is taken with meals, the mulberry extract helps the body to better metabolize the carbohydrates you have just eaten. Take MetaPWR Assist 15-30 minutes before your biggest meal of the day to get the best effect.
  1. Advantage
MetaPWR™ Advantage, addresses the relationship between metabolism and ageing with NAD+, NADH, resveratrol and collagen.
Among the many functions of NAD+, metabolic processes and mitochondrial function are the most important. NAD+ converts food into energy and provides protection for your cellular energy factories. Although more confirmatory clinical research is still needed, preclinical studies suggest that metabolic health is boosted by increasing NADH and NAD+ production in the body and activating SIRT longevity genes.
Our collagen comes from sustainably sourced cold-water marine fish and contains nine types of collagen tripeptides. Other collagens on the market – whether from land animals or from the sea – typically have a tripeptide content of 15-35%. The collagen in MetaPWR™ Advantage contains more than 70% tripeptide fragments for superior absorption.
MetaPWR™ Advantage also contains resveratrol, rose apple extract, ceramides from rice, blood orange extract, sea buckthorn, biotin, hyaluronic acid and liposomal vitamin C.
When MetaPWR Advantage, a hydrolyzed powder, is mixed with cool or room-temperature water, it is consumed as a liquid so that the body can easily absorb the stable, non-degraded nutrients. Take it daily to slow the signs of biological aging and extend your life expectancy, regardless of your current age.

Natalie Pick

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