
Online & In Person

Meeting you is always a highlight for us, whether in person or via Zoom. Sharing our knowledge, experience, and passion for natural solutions brings us great joy. We strive to respond to current topics, offering you a diverse and varied range of options. Open to ideas for events, we welcome your suggestions. If you have any questions about our events, feel free to contact us anytime.


Enjoy free benefits as a member of the Ōplift community
We are excited to welcome you as a customer. Our sincere wish is to share our knowledge and expertise with you, so you can use and enjoy your dōTERRA oils and products with confidence and pleasure, embracing a powerful and natural lifestyle.
We have various offers available and would love to meet you in person to share our passion for oils. Contact us to schedule an appointment, whether you’re interested in hosting an oil training course at your home or organizing a Make & Take event. During a Make & Take, we create personal care or cleaning products using natural ingredients and essential oils.

Do you prefer to be at home on the computer without any preparation? We are also active online. We have a lot of Zoom events and always love to see your faces on Zoom. After our presentations, there is always time to exchange ideas and ask questions. This allows us to stay connected across distances, learning from each other’s experiences, which we cherish deeply.

As our customer we also have a Customer Area just for you. Here you will find our favorite recipes, webinars, oil course, and more! We hope that you find something there that will interest you. Click on the box below or in the menu to access our customer area.