Jessica Gygax, Natalie Pick und Murielle Strasser im Team zusammen unterwegs

Who we are

three ladies - on a journey together

We three women are on a journey together to help you discover your fullest potential and the potential of the essential oils we love so much. We inspire you to lead a self-determined and healthy lifestyle. Take your life into your own hands and become a happier and better YOU. It will bless you and the people around you.

Contact us to find out more about us and follow us on social media.

Ōplift Community

stronger together

Our customers as well as our wellness advocates are, together with us, the Ōplift Community.

Ōplift is a play on words from “uplift” and the ō of dōTERRA. Uplift means to raise. To raise someone, lift them up or give them a boost. This is what we want for our community, that we encourage, support and uplift each other.

We love the products from dōTERRA, are enthusiastic and convinced because we can stand behind the whole company. We have written more about this here.

Together we help our customers to integrate these gifts of the earth into their healthy lifestyle. Because dōTERRA essential oils are 100% pure and potent, it is important and empowering to know how to use them correctly and safely.

We pass on our knowledge and experience through various information channels, events, webinars, community days and workshops so that everyone who wants advice, guidance and support can receive it. We always attend courses ourselves because we know from personal experience how important education, further training and new inputs are. We will show you how to use the oils every day in different situations and combinations. You are not alone on your journey with these precious essential oils, we are traveling together. Most of our offers are free for our customers, you can recognize them by our logo:

Tropfen mit Lavendelblüten und Oplift-Schriftzug

You can find everything linked here – take a look around: